the writings of Jason+

Our hope…

For the Christian, our hope is not in the secular—albeit with a pseudo-Christian veneer—political system of this country. Presidents, whether Democrat or Republican, will always fail us to one degree or another. None are kings or emperors…just men (and one day women) who happen to have made it to the height of political power.

Regardless, we must not bow to any Caesars. Give them what is theirs, but nothing more because the rest isn’t ours to give away as it’s already spoken for by Christ.
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Whom Jesus Loves

Whom Jesus Loves

Measuring our significance, our value, and even our purpose through being needed/wanted by others is as much a genuine struggle as it is a misstep. Truth be told that pursuit is not only fleeting, but it ultimately leads to despair.

The pursuit we should strive, by the power of the Spirit, is to live into the intentional, even irrational, choice to embrace our belovedness in Christ. That decision will make it easier to reorient our sense of value and purpose while thriving in the community of faith. read more…

Jesus Wears A Crown of Thorns

Jesus Wears A Crown of Thorns

The worship pastor at the local church that Myra and I attend asked a handful of people to write, and present, a brief thought/meditation and prayer for their annual Stations of the Cross service. I was one of them. She gave me Station #6: Jesus Wears A Crown of Thorns. The following is my contribution to the sorrow of Holy Week. read more…

Stepping Confidently

Stepping Confidently

This past week at the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches / Diocese of the Restoration Holy Convocation, through conversations with my wife and others, something was pointedly revealed to me about how I explain my 2023 journey to others. First, some context…

Right before Lent, it became very obvious to me that, in some ways, I was spiraling downward on a spiritual level as privately I began to become really cynical about the local church, my involvement in her, and ultimately my calling. I came to realize that to bleed on people in a selfless, sacrificial way is an honorable thing; but to bleed on people because of wounds you refuse to acknowledge is selfish and disgusting, and that’s what I was doing. read more…

Sheer Silence

Sheer Silence

“[God] said [to Elijah], ‘Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.’ Now there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. Then there came a voice to him that said, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’” – 1 Kings 19:11-13 NRSV

This morning at the local church my wife and I attend, the senior pastor used the above passage for his message, and as I’ve been using NRSV recently, the silence part really popped more than usual this morning.

Sheer silence. read more…

The Process

The Process

Since closing the church plant, a couple of years ago, I’ve attempted to maintain a grip on what I’ve always assumed my calling to pastoral ministry was supposed to look like. I did that by immediately diving into helping two different local churches while ignoring and never allowing myself to process the journey and the experiences I’ve walked through.
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Collect for Stillness

Collect for Stillness

Most Merciful God, help us to be still, to trust in your slow work, that we may know your gentle whisper, for you are our God. Teach us your way, Lord, that we may rely on your faithfulness through the valleys, and in doing so, know Christ and the power of his resurrection; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

I “wrote” or rather compiled this collect (i.e. prayer) mostly from various Scriptures. It is my attempt to formulate a prayer that speaks my heart through this season of feeling unsettled, disheveled, and even frazzled since closing the church plant in 2021. read more…


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Ecclesiastical Coat of Arms

Ecclesiastical Coat of Arms

The views and opinions expressed on this site are those of Jason A. Hess, and not necessarily those of the CEEC / DOR, or any local church / event where he may minister or attend.