The Revd Father Jason A. Hess is a priest passionate about Church unity, networking with other Kingdom leaders, and preaching the hope and grace found in Christ. His own journey of faith has brought him to embrace the bigness of the Christian faith. Which, as a result, led him to become influenced and formed by a variety of Christian expressions: Anabaptist, Anglican/Episcopalian, Charismatic/Pentecostal, Methodist/Wesleyan, Eastern Orthodox, etc.

Father Jason is a former church planter/rector, assistant vicar, and youth/associate pastor. He has served local churches in North Carolina, Arizona, and Virginia. He is a canonical resident of the Diocese of the Restoration (CEEC), as well as a member of the Charismatic Fraternity of Sacred Ministers, and the Wesleyan-Anglican Society. Currently, he is a bi-vocational minister employed in the pest management industry.

Outside of ministry, he enjoys tabletop games (Wood Planet Gaming Lodge), fine tobacco (cigars and pipes), podcasts, audio dramas, and TV shows about Bigfoot.

Jason and his wife, the Revd Deacon Myra Hess, live on Virginia’s Middle Peninsula with their three dogs. They have been married for over 20 years and have three adult children.

Voices of Inspiration

(No particular order)
NT Wright John Wesley
Greg Boyd Tyler Staton
Brian Zahnd Brad Jersak
Robert E Webber Pete Greig
Kallistos Ware Anthony Bloom
Richard Twiss Shane Claiborne
John Mark Comer Eugene Peterson